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Monday, February 15, 2010

Breakfast is ready!

And now it's been devoured. :) Teehee. And stuff.

Whilst I was gobbling my breakfast I had a flash back to yester-year.s. And so here is an ode to Beanz/and/or/Justin.
(Ahem) "This is mah breakfas! With the eggs, and the toast... and the french toast... This is mah breakfas, I'm gonna eat you!" :) (Tada! Once upon a time one of those two or maybe both had a Homer Simpson slipper, you know- the kind where you put your foot in his mouth? And so they kept saying that with their loverly slipper prop and all of the cousins thought they were hilarious. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's how most of my memories of those two go. :) Regular comedians they are! :p)

Now to my next topic. The dance was way fun! So was the day date, (Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for letting us chill at the cabin! And thank you pops for the cooking and key search and rescue stuff. :p) Jen brought rock band and it was rather quite hilarious when Brandon and Jon sang Taylor Swift- probably two octaves below what it's supposed to be no less ha. And we had board games and cards and everyone just sorta did whatever. Oswald- my cuddle buddy the giant teddy bear- was rather loved for the day too. I fell asleep talking to Karson though, haha good thing I'm not a boring date or anything huh. Then since boys will be boys, they found the little wake board(?) or whatever and were trying to ride it off of the snow drifts... I'm positive there were a couple of face plants and plenty of crashes haha. I was all but kicking myself because I didn't bring my camera, otherwise you'd all be giggling along with me from the awesomely funny pictures I could've taken. :( Haha. Then they discovered the snow's so deep that you can cannon ball into it and sink in so your bum is just stuck. It looks so funny too, so they did that for a while, and being the show offs that the guys are they decided to climb onto the car port cover thingy and jump off. I think I nearly had a cow haha. Luckily no one died, and we all made it back to dance the night away. (Which P.S, without going into too much detail, was semi dramatic. A boy kept coming up to me and asking for a dance but I said I'd rather not under the circumstances because it would've been awkward for us and our dates- plus I worried his date would be flustered with me because he kept talking to me... I felt bad. Promise, I did. But I got a little tired of it. I hate that he keeps making me cry in plublic situations. (And yes, I meant plublic.) BUT on the bright side, when I went outside because I didn't want anyone to see me being a wimp about everything Emily, Jennifer and Karson came outside to make sure I was ok. I'm just glad I have friends now :p That sounds so pathetic. Like, "Yeah, I'm kinda a loser and I've never had friends before, this is so grand to have some now for the tail-end of my senior year! Woohoo!" (Or woowoo if you prefer two windows Erin ;) )
But all was well. Mostly haha, I accidentally fell asleep when we watched a movie after and I was an HOUR late for curfew. They haven't put me on the chopping block yet so maybe I survived my faux pax. Except isn't faux pax a fashion disaster or something? Ha. I had a few of those on Saturday too though. Like spilling an entire glass of RED punch on my pants... they have a lovely pink tint now. Nothing says Happy Valentines like pink tinted pants right? And then when we watched the movie I was wearing pj pants that, the next morning I realized, had a HUGE (Double PLUS huge!) rip in them. Haha. I really hope no one noticed. Or that they weren't ripped until I did some serious kung fu fighting in my sleep or something. Haha. And now-
I'm off to save the world.
Or blow dry my hair. Whichever comes first.


  1. I love this post and I had Beanz sing me the song. It would have been better in a chorus of two with Justin, but alas he is doing his thing in Canada! I just love you Shannon and you are going to do amazing with this whole dating scene!

  2. Oh I love my brothers. They are absolutely hilarious. Thanks for making me smile.

    Oh the drama. The drama. Sigh. Hang in there Shan. You can do this. You're awesome.

    And maybe you will be glad to know you are not the only person who has ripped their pants while hanging out with friends. I also did not notice for a while. Oh dear.

  3. Oh and I have another good song to listen to when you're feeling melancholy. Jason Mraz : Beautiful Mess. Oh how I love that song. I don't know if that's what you're looking for but I love it.
