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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Well this is rather exciting!

I am posting.

(That's not the exciting part yet-)

I am posting. IN the LIBRARY. Because I needed to return my books anyway and my computer at home was stinking so I decided, "Hey, I'll try one of these computers!"
I feel quite adventurous. Just so you know.

I am now about to vent a wee bit. (Only a teensy bit, don't worry.)

I miss back in the day when I could actually keep up with my life. People are complicated and disappointing and happi-fying (like happy. In verb form.) and depressing. And inspiring and about a million other things... and sometimes I think maybe I need to figure out how to turn off my emotion meter. And just be a cold lump of human bean. :p Because sometimes feeling is quite overwhelming and you just want to cry for other people's pain. And I promise I'm not even just saying that to sound noble or anything fluffy like that. I really feel so bad sometimes for everything that goes on in every one's lives... so what did I do? I found a song! Lots of them actually. Music is quite inspiring... Like 'Pieces' by Rascal Flats or 'Do you feel' by Rocket Summer... And now I'm just rambling so I assume I should stop now :p

Au Revoir! ;)


  1. im at the library too! been here for hours actually....youll learn to llooooooovvveee this place haha (couch not cough) i think my head is going to explode. yeah. life is getting quite complicated isnt it. It is fun, but often the responsibilities of growing up are just so hard! oh well it's all a part of life :)

  2. Life is crazy and complicated sometimes. I used to drive around late at night listening to music like that, music that matched what I was feeling, and sing at the top of my lungs and sometimes cry and whatever else. (Wow is that dramatic??) I also have to tell you that I was wearing a Rocket Summer hoodie (signed by Bryce Avary, thankyouverymuch) the very first time I met Klane. Memories. :)
