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Friday, February 12, 2010


Timing is most definitely key in many things like music, or asking parents for money, or driving down mainstreet. And in dances. I always end up sick or not feeling well (uh, redundant? Oops :p Oh well. It's not the same thing. Kinda.)
OH well. I'm excited to hang out with our random group. Hatch is so awesome anyway, I hope it's fun. I feel kinda stressed like I'm the one in charge of everything... which I guess if it's at my grandparent's cabin and my dad's cooking the food for us and I'm driving half of the group I sorta could be. But I'm not! I don't wanna be! Haha I just want to be along for the ride. :p

Today is FINALLY friday! Life seems to be dragging on but flying so fast at the same time. Who even knew that was possible?? It shouldn't be, because it's throwing off my emotional equilibrium. I'm running out of time on stupid Net Nanny so I'm going to hurry and squeeze a couple pictures on just for fun :)


  1. I am inspired. Although I haven't quite decided what I'm inspred about I am most definetly inspired. Maybe it was the cool picture of the glass of ice minus water.....I am inspired to go and fetch meself a drink.

  2. Wow, I know exactly what you mean about time crawling and flying at the same time. How does it do that?!

    I hope you have fun at your dance/day date. That sounds like a really fun plan. I love Hatch.

    Those pictures are really really great. You have natural talent and I think eventually you need (NEED) to invest in a big camera because you would take incredible pictures with that intuitive photographic eye of yours. You've got talent! Love the glass of ice and the skiis.
