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Monday, February 22, 2010

... Giggles.

Hello Monday- arch nemesis.
Hello blizzard (not the delicious ice cream. No, this is the kind that when November/December hits it's the most wonderful time of the year but when February rolls around it's like getting an ultimate punch to the esophagus.)
Hello stupid Freshmen P.E.
Hello Seminary. (We actually learned something today. Crazy huh?)
But here's the fun part: Hello Livi! My mom baby sits one of her friends daughter while she's at work, and I'm telling you she is THE CUTEST little girl on the face of the UNIVERSE! I'd post a picture, but idk if that's against baby sitter's confidentiality code of conduct or not. Just know she's adorable. And her being here has it's perks. Like smiles after slightly less than great mornings at school, and giggles. Lots of giggles. :D (She was walking out of the kitchen when she- for lack of a better word- stinkered, and she just giggled softly and said, "I toot!" I was LITERALLY on the kitchen floor laughing. We decided that's the charm of a little kid for you- things like that get less adorable when you grow up. Can you imagine me walking into Mads, giggling and saying, "oops, I toot!" :p Yeah. Not nearly as affective as a two year old saying it.) Plus my mom usually bakes cookies when Livi is here. A definite bonus. Until of course the evidence shows up and I have to feel fat all over again. It happens to the best of us I guess.
ANYWHO. I suppose I should brace myself to go to class now... :( I'd much rather stay here with Livi. :D Cutest girl!
Anywho, peace out

1 comment:

  1. "Hello Monday - arch nemesis."

    Hahahahahahahaha... that was awesome. And so true.
