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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Beautiful day of peace and rest...

Today has been one of those days. Ah Sunday, your calm afternoons are the remedy for my disease of senioritis stress. The off tune congregation singing hymns are kinda my favorite- especially if there are little old ladies with the overly vibrato-ish voices anywhere near or cute primary children trying to get the words right. (Speaking of adorable children, my piano students moved into my ward and sat a couple benches behind us. I absolutely love them, and we got visiting last time and I realized- Shannon. You're so gonna miss them when you move out. I nearly shed some tears. Actually I probably did. :p)
Anyway, I have just been sustained and set apart as the new Laurel president- and although it's nothing like bishop or Relief Society president status I can't help but feel a little bit stressed. I feel kind of inadequate- but hey. There's only one way to learn right? :) Yup- special prayers and fasts. Haha, kidding- but only partially so.

I also felt completely overwhelmed with the beauty of the Holy Ghost from all the talks today. One girl spoke of how when she was little she thought of the Holy Ghost as an imaginary friend. But of course, he was a special imaginary friend because he can talk to Heavenly Father for us. He's the kind of imaginary friend who sits by our side writing every single word of our prayer and then delivering it to Heavenly Father so he could read it like a letter.
(That part of her talk was so cute! Don't you wish we were all still the naive trusting and submissive children that we once were? Don't you wish the gospel was still seen through imaginative colorful eyes that somehow piece it all together so that we never doubted? I think I cried a little when she told that story.) And to an extent that's what he is. He is our friend and he does link us in a way to our Heavenly father.

"[The Holy Ghost] is the greatest guarantor of inward peace in our unstable world.” -Pres. Faust
And I can definitely attest to the instability of our world. It feels like as soon as I climb up the mountain, Satan pushes me back down. Sometimes all the way to the bottom. But the Holy Ghost is like a beacon and a climbing harness and travel guide all in one. If we follow his promptings we're in line with where Christ walked. And His are the footsteps we want to walk in so that someday we won't have to send 'letters' to Heavenly Father because we'll be able to talk to him face to face. (How cool is that going to be?? It's completely mind boggling.)

ALSO (sorry if you're tired of my tangent... but if you are shame on you because gospel topic is beautiful. :p)
Today in Young Women's we talked a little about our theme. I remember my main concern as a brand new beehive was whether or not I could keep up with everyone else saying the theme. (You know, each ward has their own speed and meter to how they say the theme. I swear, some wards have a contest to see how fast they can say it! "Good job girls, we're down to 1 minute and 4 seconds. Hillary- try to tighten up those vowels, you're holding us back." :p )

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us, and we love him. We will stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things and in all places. As we strive to live the Young Women values which are:
Divine Nature,
Individual Worth,
Choice and Accountability,
Good Works,
and Integrity.
We Believe as we come to accept and act upon these values we will be prepared to strengthen home and family, make and keep sacred covenants, receive the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.

Isn't that incredible? These are kind of 'no brainer' type things but they're so huge. And doesn't it just radiate beauty to you? I admit- I'm guilty of mindless repetition. Sometimes I'm thinking more about what's for lunch than about who I am and my role as a young woman. My dad (and or bishop) talked to the young women about how he felt like Heavenly Father has a special place in His heart for women. Of course he loves the men too... who can help themselves? :p The men of the church earn a great deal of love and respect, but my dad thinks Heavenly Father has an extra tender love for the women. They are the mothers of his future generations of Latter-day Saints, of the future missionaries and prophets and they are the homemakers and gentle side of things. I complain plenty about not loving being a girl, but I decided maybe I'm ok with it. Maybe it's ok to go through all this stupid girl drama because I get to be a mom someday, and I get to fulfill callings and positions that men could never do. On the new poster for the theme 'We are daughters', 'We will stand', 'We believe', and 'We will be prepared' are emphasized. I love the gospel.

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father. He loves us and we love Him.


  1. Shannon! yay! i'm glad that you found me :) I didn't know you were a fellow blogger, your blog is so cute. I miss you too! we need to catch up

  2. Beautiful perfect perfect beautiful wonderful amazing uplifting beautiful beautiful perfect.

    I loved this post.
