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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Some SERIOUS indecisiveness.

Hello, and welcome to our program this afternoon. Today we are discussing indecisive teens and the choices they face.
Scenario number one: Favorites. Last night I went with Erin to her study session to help out with her poster (and take care of some fingernails, eh Er? ;p) and somehow we got on the subject of favorite music with some of the other study session-ees. Absolutely no one in America can find only one favorite song. Plus none of the fellow beans there could even think of what their favorite music. (Disclosure- I am one of those hypocritical people. I'm one of the ones who has to list off a top 100 list for favorites because I am- brace yourself- indecisive.)
Scenario number two: This morning a certain girl lay in bed- mostly because sometimes eyelids refuse to open- but partially because she couldn't think of what she wanted to wear. Explanation? For one, her pants are a problem. None of them fit. Ever. At all. Sorta. And the pair that she practically wore every single day ripped pretty intensely the day she went to Richfield for 1A basketball state games. So she bought a new pair there because not everyone appreciates seeing bright red panties. For two, sometimes one feels rather hippopot-of-something-ish. Aka Fat. And therefore you have to pick the shirts that require risking looking maternity-like in order to feel like you don't have to suck it in til you feel like you're a holocaust victim.
Scenario number three (the heart of this whole post) :p
What if someone presented you the possible option of picking a nice SLR camera, OR a laptop like you've always wanted for a birthday/graduation gift? And what if you couldn't for the life of you figure out which one would complete you? I mean... what if you picked the wrong one and your heart still had a hole that was void because of your mis-decision?? This is serious stuff people. :p Just sayin.
P.S I just wanted to say:
HOLY GRATEFULNESS FOR FRIDAY'S-EVE DAY (Thursday), And warmness and sunshine! SUNSHINE people- I had to roll down the windows when I was driving my fathers awesome truck (which I was also thankful for him letting me... :p) and the sun was practically slow baking my arm. Mmm... deliciously springful. I can't wait for GREEN and FLOWERS and beautiful white clouds popping out of the ridiculously blue skies. Isn't it funny how right on the brink of season changes it seems like life is just... perfect. Who cares if you're possibly being stupid and getting stuck in friend drama or if people make you want to barf or if the dull fluorescent (oxymoron?) lights of dear old Cedar High make the pigments in your skin slowly fade to the color of death, although that may be directly related to our sedentary lifestyles... in health classes. Isn't it grand? But really- when it started to cool off from Summer's playful weather into Autumn's golden easy going feeling... I could've sat on those stupid red benches outside of school smiling like a schizophrenic psycho for hours. :p Tis true... life's good. Don't believe anything else I say 'cause life is good. Sometimes I just look through the binoculars the wrong way. :p

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that is a hard decision. The laptop would be so useful for school - not to mention photo editing and keeping in touch with people like blogging and such. But the camera! I can't wait to see the pictures you create when you finally do get your hands on a fancy camera. Wether it's now or at some later date.

    I am not helpful in this decision making process. I am pretty indecisive myself. What to doooo?! Good luck.
