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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Congrats to new Mads members!!

So. The seniors in Madrigals pulled an all nighter last night and then kidnapped early this morning... I have absolutely no idea how I'm still functioning right now. I'm so ridiculously tired. I totally crashed in Freshman P.E this morning... there were basketballs flying EVERYWHERE and I guess someone was poking me but I just slept right through it. Then in seminary I promise I just put my head down for two seconds while he was reading some Chuck Norris jokes and then I woke up almost an hour later really confused... a couple pizzas later and lunch was over- back in Mads singing group pass offs. And sleeping some more on the floor. And then French I fell asleep and apparently didn't move or look like I was breathing... "Can I poke her?" "No." "Can I poke her 'cause she looks real dead..." Ha. Haha... and then when I woke up the lighting seemed super weird and everyone was sorta giggly at me and I felt SO out of it. Remember how I hated staying up all night? Oh yeah. I remember. Why do we do these things to ourselves???


  1. "Why do we do this" you ask? well ill tell you :) it is because ITS FUN! yep thats it. we only live life once and you can sleep when youre dead. thats my motto since coming to be part of the college scene. embrace it. love it. ;)

  2. You can sleep when you're dead... or married. Hopefully those aren't considered similar situations to you college/HS students. Haha. I do have a much better sleeping schedule now that I'm hitched. But life is still incredibly fun, thank goodness.

    I liked this post because I did the exact same thing with my Chamber choir! Goooood times. And your post made me laugh.
