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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

High off of cold meds perhaps?

The past couple of days I've pretty much been in total giggle fits on and off throughout the day. And I sing really loud in my car a lot lately, which is typical, but now I sound like a twelve year old boy because I'm sick. :p It's practically hilarious. But that's probably the cold meds talking.
So... good news. But first you have to hear the bad news that makes the good news good. Saturday is my cousin's son's baptism, and my cousin in law's baby shower... sounds like a party right? That's because it will be- my family is fun to party with. :) But then Mr. Choir teacher said, "Workshops Saturday" and my sad little heart dropped... probably even chipped a little because that translates into "You now have zero plans for Saturday morning which for you, Shannon, cancels going out of town with your family to hit two family gatherings in one day. Sorry. Except for not." So I was feeling sadly. But now due to "his health" we're canceling the work shops. (WOO WOO!- Erin, TWO windows! Plus BUZZ LIGHTYEAR! ;) Ha. Love it.) So now assuming we all conquer this illness crap I'm gonna get to go to the baby shower and baptism! Exciting right? I knew you'd agree. Also I'm getting excited for the family trip to Nauvoo... I know pretty much nothing about it so don't ask when or why... does it really matter? We're going to Nauvoo! When we went before I was ten so I don't think I really grasped the coolness of it all as well as I should have. And this time Bri won't be a little new born so it'll be less tricky. Plus we're old enough (minus Brianne) to do baptisms in the Nauvoo temple... um, AMAZING? I think yes!

I rest my case. :) Awesome huh??

Also, as a random side note- I have lots of Avril Lavigne songs stuck in my head... punk girl power anyone? I like it. And I've found my type. :p Men don't come like this anymore...

1 comment:

  1. I also love singing loudly in my car. Unfortunately I do not drive a car anymore at this point in my life, and singing at the top of my lungs on a crowded subway car does not sound as fun as belting it out behind closed doors. Although some people still do it. Good for them.

    Do you stop singing and get bashful when you get to a stoplight and someone pulls up next to you? I do. Then the light turns green and No one can see me and I start singing again. Haha.

    Excited to see you this weekend!
