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Monday, April 05, 2010

Dear Cousin Angie,

Hi. Your new blog stuff is very high tech and all, but quite frankly I have zero idea of how to navigate the new madness. And therefore I can't find Andrea's blog that I've been told about... so... Just sayin. :p Also when Beanzly and I watched your family's home videos I decided you were a very super cute little girl. It was loads of entertaining... also I remembered this one time when my family watched conference at your family's house... and I had just gotten a manicure or something so of course I felt extra beautiful in the fingers and guess who noticed and complimented them? You did of course. :p And seeing how you were older and wiser and super awesome it pretty much made my whole day. :) Just wanted to let you know...
Sincerely Shannon. :)

Alright. Also I HAVE to tell ya'll about Disney Land.
A- I'm having withdrawals from both the warmness and the child within magicalness.
B- It was AWESOME!! The weather was 'cold' for Cali so it wasn't very busy until Friday rolled around with sunshine. Wonderful. Even if no one would ride California Screamin'. (It's ok dad... I forgive you on the stipulation of a Pepsi run. ;p)

And now I kinda have to go to class... so TTFN and all that other grand pooh bear stuff.


  1. Okay, THANK YOU! I was excited about changing our blog so I could post bigger pictures, but ever since we put it up I have been feeling very nervous and vulnerable and I wanted to know what people thought but hardly anyone had commented. I am so glad to get some feedback. I thought it might be confusing. And I was worried about removing all the sidebar stuff, I told Klane a lot of people use those links to get to other blogs and such, but he was talking about how our new blog would look so much cleaner without a sidebar and people probably didn't use the sidebar stuff, etc etc.

    ANYWAY. We will try to make it a little more obvious to use. Luckily Klane can change things around a bit.

    Andrea's blog is You should totally go check it out, it's awesome!!

    And I'm so glad you had such a fun trip! Disneyland is the best. Yay!

  2. and in case you wanted to follow any of my other links, Klane just deactivated the forwarding so you can visit our old blog now.
