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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

It's official.

But I haven't figured out what exactly 'it' is. But whatever it is it's official. Exciting isn't it? :p

Once upon a time there lived a girl who didn't especially love waking up in the morning. Her bed was far to good at cradling her in a warm embrace and how exactly are you supposed to decide to want to pry your tired body out of a inanimate object friend of a bed? Aha, I rest my case.
But- the girl did get out of bed... after wearing out the snooze button. And now she's at school blogging because it's too early to go to class and too late to go back home.
BUT now the bell rang. So she'll ramble more about slightly more exciting things later, I assume.

10-4, over and out... amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahaha, the beginning of this post is awesome. And I understand about the bed. Mine calls to me too. I actually get back in it after I'm all ready and I've eaten breakfast and everything. Just before I head out the door, I get back in bed for just another ten minutes. That sounds so odd you might think I'm joking. But I'm not!
