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Friday, April 16, 2010

Good mornin, good mooornin... it's not so great to stay up late.

Good mornin, good mornin to you.

Word of advice- don't stay up late reading hopeless romance novels. Sure they're greatly entertaining because even though they're drama, it's not yours so it's funny.
Because the next morning after hitting the snooze 40...6,000 times you still have to shower and be presentable for your seminary class. :p Which- I am. It's just the lazy version. So I actually had EXTRA time this morning! Kinda ironic.
So- here I am. Blogging away again.
My little sisters and I watch Ghost Whisperer regularly. Possibly obsessively. Maybe it's because I like Jennifer Love Hewitt's hair in the series, maybe it's because I'm in love with her husband and the eccentric professor. Maybe it's the very same reason people go on roller coasters and through haunted mansions at Disney Land- it's fun to scare yourself. And in this show it's always pee your pants creepy at the beginning and then it resolves so that you actually feel SORRY for the scary ghost thing. It's grand. Really. So last night's was bloody Mary. And I must admit- this morning when I had to go take a shower. Alone. With that mirror on the wall staring out into the bathroom... I got a few creeped out feelings. :p Which made me giggle. There was a towel draped over the shower curtain and it fell into the shower when I wasn't looking. Haha, I thought something had got me for sure!

Today- as you all know- is a very special day.
Why, you might ask? Well... I'll tell you.
I don't know.
But it's a friday, and friday's are always special, right? Of course right.
Friday's are great big rays of sunshine after the rainstorms of mondays and the other not quite as special days. Except for my mother was Johnny raincloud today. She reminded me I have a dentist appointment.
POOF, good feeling's gone.
Dentists and I are practically mortal enemies now days. After having teeth pulled and oral surgery and whatever else... (or everything else. Whichever comes first. :p) I decided I'm just going to let all my teeth fall out and get dentures because I don't want to have cavities drilled or my teeth polished or anything else that deals with dentistry. :) No offense to any of you who happen to work within those fields or closely related. I still love you guys- just not going to the dentist.

Anywho... I'm goin for seconds on breakfast. Something sugary and rebellious I think. That'll teach 'em.

P.S. Dear Kaitlyn. Not in front of the carrots. And, cleanup on isle 8. (Ha.)


  1. I still get creeped out by mirrors in the dark, because of some stupid bloody mary story I heard when I was younger. I still avoid looking in the mirror if it's dark. Hurray for the weekend!

  2. i didn't finish reading your post before i commented, and then I got to the dentist part, haha! don't let your teeth fall out, dentures are NOT a good option. the dental hygienist in me just had to tell you that. lol. oh and floss every day. (i'm not kidding. floss. please. it's so bad for you not to. trust me. i love you. floss.)
    okay done being a creepy tooth nazi.

  3. Haha, dear dental hygienist cousin Angie. :) I do floss. And I love you too. :p
