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Friday, April 22, 2011

The best therapy:

-Running away to stay with Maycee Moo,
-Watching dancy/singy movies and imitating the moves through the house,
-Making weird layered homemade pizza,
-Mud masks ("How long have you had those on?" "Oh, like an hour." "Aren't you supposed to only have them on for..." "Ten minutes? Yes." :p)
-"Summertime" playlists and more spaz dancing,
-White cars with faces suddenly appearing in windows,
-Creepers creeping at gas stations going NUTS over some sort of dog drama. (They were hulking men and so I may have imagined them freaking out over small dog drama. It's funnier to picture their carrying on about a toy poodle or something. :p
-Having dreams that have a narrator. (Seriously, there's something wrong with me and my dreams.)
-Giggling. Lots.
-Getting ready to go to Sand Hollow because it's HIGH 70's people!!! (I nearly died of excitement. Truly. :) )
-Eating a breakfast of champions that consisted of a couple granola bars, some goldfish crackers and an otter pop. We're health gurus around here. ;)
-Waking up to a text from a WAY cute guy that I sort of had a gigantic crush on last semester before I started dating Tyler. He asked me on a french fry date (ok so he didn't say the word date but I'm desperate and I slap that tag on anything remotely close to a date. Delusional? Maybe. But it makes me feel better about myself. :p) for today, but alas. I'm here in Cedar 'remembering' how much I like being single. (And by remembering I mean convincing. It's starting to work though... kinda. :p)

I'm so sad that my camera's broken because those would've been some  CRAZY pictures. Maycee took some so maybe I can steal some from her. :) But until then, I'm gonna go and shave so I don't scar people at Sand Hollow. :D
(77 DEGREES BABY!!!! I'M SO EXCITED, AND I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT... ok enough of the lyric quoting.Jus qu'alors!

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