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Sunday, April 03, 2011

Here comes the sun (do, do do, do!)

This weekend was better than any emotional band-aid. It consisted of some visiting of Sami's friends (all of which were cute. Especially Pete and Shirley. They're an adorable elderly couple that Sami's known since she was younger. Stinkin cute. :) ) some Disney Scene It (Shaylee- Sam's sister- and I dominated.  Just in case you were dying to know.) And of course, lot's of General Conference.

 Wasn't it so good? (In case any of you missed it, you can go to and they have the option to watch or listen to the sessions. "Text will be available Thursday" and I'm kinda excited. I couldn't write fast enough, so I want to print them because there were A LOT of really great quotes I wanted on paper!)
Someone told me that "Tears are the sweat to my spiritual exercise", and so I've been feeling pretty great because I must be getting into incredible shape. There were so many talks this time  that I felt like were 'just for me'. I called my dad and told him that, and he said that the funny part about that is I'm the fourth person to tell him I felt like that. (I think I just vastly overused the word 'that'. I should make the English Vocabulary my next goal. ... Eventually.) I think that's (cringe) the best part about conference. So many people feel like it was so personal, it was meant only for them. So many! It's kinda cool how the spirit can touch everyone in such a personal way even though we're all hearing the very same words.

So I want feedback. :) Who was your favorite speaker? What's something that touched you? Did you hear a song you really loved? Let's hear what your experience was! :) (Getting feedback makes me feel like an accomplished blogger.)

I went to Delta with Sami (obviously. Good thing I'm not repetitive.) and when we watched the Saturday morning session it was just her and I watching downstairs. I have to admit, we rewinded at least seven times during Elder Richard's talk. (We had lots we wanted to write!)
His was especially interesting because he's a doctor who was talking about pain. (Best quote: ok so there's a million 'best quote's, "Healing blessings come in many ways, each suited to our individual needs as known to Him who loves us best." I love love loved this talk! Partly because I've been pity partying- if we're being honest- and feeling oh so broken hearted and closely acquainted with pain these days. Which is true, let's face it. Tyler being just a friend has been super tough. But I can't deny that I'm still really grateful for the experience. I just want time to heal me any minute now. I'm tired of feeling sad about it. It shouldn't be a big deal, right? I mean, I was just in love or something. Whatev. :p Ok ok sorry. Enough of my dramatic tangent. Truly I'm doing just fine, and it's life and it stinks but I'm just being a drama queen with this vent. Which maybe I shouldn't do on the internet. I'm also grateful that we're still friends because it'll stink less in the long run to have a friend rather than one more awkward 'enemy'. (I use enemy loosely.) (As in I don't feel like I have too many of those. As in please don't think I'm a horrid person.)

I also loved President Uchtdorf's. (But then again, when do I not love his talks? He's a charismatic speaker with his stories. I feel like his talks always have a fairy tale tone to them. But in a realistic, 'you can achieve fairy tale-ism through the gospel' way. I'm an idealist, ok?) I liked "turn down the volume of the worldly noise" stuff, so we can hear and heed the promptings of the spirit. I need to find my life's remote control. The volume is up a little high probably.

And since I feel like I'm starting to sound preachy (I'm just REALLY excited about all this. I loved every word of it! Conference was marvelous!) I'm gonna go make peanut butter cookies and watch Tangled.
I love everyone! Have a magnificent week!


  1. I especially loved Elder Holland's talk, and I felt the Spirit urge me to reread my notes to recognize all the messages specific to me. It was a great conference.
    Another favorite: the story of Liam, who could be perfectly still and endure the cancer treatments as long as he could hear his father's voice.

  2. Ah! Didn't that one make you all teary? Such a good talk! :)

  3. Elder Holland is always solid. I listened to his talk on the bus home from DC and it was awesome! Since I was traveling this weekend I've been listening to what I missed since I've been home. I watched President Monson's talk from priesthood session and I loved it! Highly recommend it. He was so candid and funny while still saying what needed to be said. So good. I love conference!

  4. Oh and I had to say I thought of you (and Tyler) several times during conference. Elder Scott's talk and Pres Monson's priesthood session talk were for Tyler I think. Haha.

  5. Bahaha, Angie I love you. Remind me to tell you my story about thinking the very same thing.
