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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

I was feeling mean and grumpy yesterday so I didn't post.
Just in case you wanted an explanation because I've been semi addicted/obsessed with blogging these days.

This morning if we're being honest I feel pretty similar to yesterday. Except for add stressed to the cauldron. Yeah, let those simmer for a while, it's a good mix. Potent, really.

Today is (drum roll please) cleaning checks! Woohoo! Clean apartments are my favorite... getting them to that point? We won't talk about that. :p
So I started cleaning and thinking and thinking and cleaning. Tyler had suggested Monday(?) night that I should go talk to Bishop Olsen about all my flustered feelings from the break up and being stressed about school. I thought that seemed odd, and semi Pansie-ish. But I happen to be a proud Penelope sometimes, so I was considering it last night, and just when I was thinking, "Yeah, ok fine. I'll call and get an appointment. Maybe he can give me a blessing or something." Matthew Bingham sent a text asking if I could meet with the Bishop at 7:30. Thank Heavens for annual Birthday interviews and for non-coincidental timing. (I thought it was kind of a neat little 'tender mercy'. :) I like when I recognize those. It makes my mean, grumpy, stressed self feel a little more humbled.)

Also, yesterday Tyler took me to the chiropractor. (Late birthday gift that he says he's been meaning to do since we started dating. Maybe I've looked like Quazzy Modo since October. Maybe that explains a lot. :p)
A- Holy intelligence. I'm here to tell you the human body is one confusing puzzle to learn about and memorize muscles and bone structure, and that guy knew exactly where everything was and how it connected and works and... thats. Probably why he's a chiropractor. Huh, go figure.
B- I always feel awkward at doctor type settings. I truly do not love going. But I am grateful for modern medicine/practice. After hearing all sorts of concerning popping madness, I felt A-MA-ZING! I could breathe!! I didn't even know that I couldn't breathe until suddenly, I could!
On the cloudy side... (I know. I'm an awful pessimist.) I sort of feel like a train clobbered me now.
...That could probably be partially blamed on the stinkin' Denny's run we did last night though.
Delicious food? Oh yeah.
Worth it? Probably not.

Oh Shannon. Will you please learn something?
That's all. Thanks.

Oh wait!!! Did you love my mustache background? It's dedicated to "Mein Seester Marty".
(I'm having blogger-background-blues. Formally known as BBB. Which is really fun because then everyone sounds like they have a stutter. Enjoy that one! Happy Wednesday.)

1 comment:

  1. For someone who doesn't want to pursue a relationship with you, Tyler sure seems to be overly involved in the minute details of your life. I don't like it. Who is he to tell you what to do about feeling sad about him breaking up with you? He would help you better by not being all cute and nice and friendly with you, which makes it a hundred times harder. What the heck Tyler.

    That's all I have to say about that. Rant over.

    But at least the chiropractor helped!
