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Friday, March 18, 2011

Hi, I'm bored, nice to meet you!

There's only so much studying to do before your neurotransmitters and cortex and cerebrum start to overheat.
 (Ok, so I'm pretty sure that's like... impossible. Actually not. I heard once that if you're yawning lots, and you're not tired or low on oxygen, then it means your brain is feeling overwhelmed. It's a sign of over-activity. And let me tell you- I yawn a lot. ;P Haha, but I also don't get to bed on time as often as I should...)
So, I wanna do something fun. I want to get my mind off stress and hurt and stress. (Shoot, did I say that twice? Eh, you know what repetition means right? :p)
So, I'm here begging for input. (Yes, begging. I'm feeling theatrical-cough dramatic cough- today. ;) )
I need something fun to do so that I don't lose any sanity I may have had. (May is highly stressed in this sentence. :p) I've done a lot of watching cute shows/movies, but that's just not the same when you're alone. Ya know? Because giggling to yourself is maybe embarrassing.
Oh well. It's bound to happen.
(P.S did you not cry over the Bachelor's final episodes?? First I was feeling bad for poor Chantal, because I sorta liked her. Well. I warmed up to her. Basically I've always loved Emily. But then I saw the "After the Final Rose" episode and they were being interviewed and I was somewhat frustrated with her. Oh well. In my experience of nearly 19 whole years of being alive, relationships take a dose of frustration. C'est la vie, no?)

Also, for the record, Tyler and I went and did baptisms this morning. The temple is magnificent. You just feel so light and good and loved. Ya know? Even if secretly deep down you're still mourning the bombing of your last test and stressing for the next 5 weeks worth of class assignments/tests. You just feel good anyway. I was reading in the New Testament while waiting to go into the confirmation room and I'm finally in Luke. Chapter 2. Which seemed fitting considering Easter is coming up. "Breath of Heaven" was playing through my head the whole time, and I adore that song. So now I'm awake and I'm ready and just waiting for the rest of my schedule to catch up. (No, I'm not impatient at all. What makes you say that? :p)

So. I'm going to sit here in this comfy wingback, and watch the flames of the Library's fire place while I finish a Chem assignment and wait for class to start.
Thank Heavens for Friday!

(Two more days until I get to teach in Relief Society! I'm kinda excited actually. :) )


  1. The Bachelor! I was so happy he chose Emily. I thought he seemed smitten with her from very early on. He seemed to respect her more than he did the other girls. It was so cute. Even on ATFR I thought he will seemed hopelessly in love with her. But she was being a little more realistic about the situation. I was disappointed that she had reservations about things, but at the same time it makes perfect sense. I think she made the right decision not to leave her family and friends and uproot her child from North Carolina to run off to Texas and marry a guy she dated for 8 weeks and doesn't really know all that well. Also did you realize Brad is 38 amd Em is 24?!?! I didnt realize that until the last episode. Quite a gap!! She seems mature beyond her years, though, and Brad seems to have taken a while to get his act together in life, so maybe they're closer to the same mental age. :) But I do still hope it works out for them, maybe if they can get to know each other better and decide they really are ready to make a big step like one of them moving (by the way, why can't he move?!?) then it could work.

    I have a great, fun suggestion of something to do when extremely bored that will pick you up. You could watch High School Musical (I know, I know, stay with me here) and learn the dance at the end of the movie!! Right?! Not that I would ever do such a thing when my husband is gone and I'm pushed to the outer limits of boredom and inactivity.... but you know, it's an idea. ;)

    Also, never tell anyone I just admitted that.

  2. Hahaha Angie, this is why your comments are kinda my favorite!! And guess what? I didn't even need anything to unbore me, :p I did homework in the library and Tyler helped me for the first part of the day, and then I attempted to learn how to throw a stupid football with my roommate and Tyler's roommate, and then they were determined to try and teach me poker. No worries, I'm still clueless. But THEN I went on a date! :) Which was actually really fun. :)
    (But next time I'm home alone I'm gonna learn that dance. ;p)

  3. Hahaha, I'm glad you found something to do other than the high school musical dance. Not that it isn't awesome but you know. ;)
