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Saturday, March 26, 2011

I should be getting ready,

But I wanted to blog instead. :)
Yesterday was actually not too bad on the boredom scale. I decided I needed to just snap out of it, so I went to Friday Forum, and made homemade oreos with Sami, played just dance with Sam, Karlee and Matt, (in which I royally kicked Matthews behind. Several times. :P Bwaha. It's fun to play against him because he's the only one I can beat.) I cleaned up my stuff, did visiting teaching, watched some Criminal Minds with the roommies, got ready, went to a neon stomp (and actually danced, which is a big deal...for me.), got slightly flustered, went home and hot tubbed with random SLC people and Matt. He's Mr. Dr. Phil for me I think, wanting to know how classes were going, what I learned from last semester, quotes from Elenore Roosevelt about how I control my feelings... ya know. The works. (Minus the part where Dr. Phil always states the obvious in classic Dr. Phil voice inflections like, "You have a drinking problem!" right after the guest has admitted to being an alcoholic.)
Then I hung out with Karlee, Sami, and Karlee's friends, Brady and Cameron. Interesting evening.
BUT! (No. I'm not even going to bring up 'completos' and kid history. This time.)
I woke up this morning feeling extra sentimental and sad. So I'm now eating breakfast and blogging and getting ready to get ready. (It takes some special pep talking some days. Like today.)
On the bright side, we're all driving up to 'The Festival of Colors'... I'm not even sure what exactly that entails but it sounded like something exciting and fun. And someone told me that it's held at an actual Indian temple thing. Maybe not temple, but I have no idea what you call it.

Truthfully I've always wanted to throw chalk at people for the fun of it...?
See? Look how sweet that looks!
Anywaho... Anyway? Anywho? Whatever I was trying to say... 
My point is I'm going to go shower probably because I hear hygiene is the thing to do. If you want friends.
(And oh, how I want friends.)
P.S, HAPPY PROM DATE to Erin, and Happy Saturday to all!

1 comment:

  1. You're going to festival of colors?! It has been a lifelong dream of mine to go to festival of colors! Take pictures and have fun and close your eyes so you don get chalk in them. Everyone always has the coolest pictures from festival of colors. Say hello to the hari krishnas and the llamas for me. :) OH - also, they have llama rentals at the hari krishna temple, so I've heard. Yet another thing to do if you're ever really bored. Rent a llama!! I am seeing some amazing potential practical jokes here.
