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Monday, March 14, 2011


Which sounds cooler and more Biblical than 'torn'.
(I'm a freak. I'm well aware. :p)

So the break is over. Half of me is singing Hallelujah amen's (no one else was on Spring Break yet so I worked and watched a lot of "Lie to me". And worked out. You can applaud if you feel thus inspired. ;p ) The other half is dreading getting back into the swing of school. Especially since there's exactly 6 Monday's left in my Snow College career. (Only SIX!!! That's another thing I'm torn on.) Next year I'm planning on living at home, taking a few Institute classes, and working my little bum off- so no more fun apartment madness or living on my own. (For a while anyway. Ideally, and improbably I'll be out of my house in a year. Considering I still have to buy a Sid of my own- as in a car in case you didn't follow the Shannon lingo- and establish some sort of savings. I hear that having savings is somewhat important. As if our world ran by money. Oh wait... :p)
I'm excited to jump into this working schedule, hopefully I can somehow manage to get through Pharmacy Tech in a month. Two maybe. (This is where intense prayers come into play because there's no way in Hades that I can do all of that studying plus Med. Term. and Chem on my own. Ah the Gospel. :) It saves my bacon regularly.)

I did laundry and cleaned my bedding yesterday, but I let it dry outside and now it stinks. Like... metal. Silly balcony railing. It thought it should rub off on my quilts I guess. So now I'm stuck in yet another torn- internal debate. Do I re-wash and wait another forever for them to dry? (Inside this time.) Or do I dowse them in coconut-lime body mist? Haha... the responsible thing would probably be to re-wash. .... No comment.

Lately it's been brought to my attention that timing is a funny thing. I've always noticed that there are little 'coincidences' in the pattern of my learning... I'll hear about something and learn a little bit about it, and then then next day in class we'll cover that topic. It happens all the time! I used to chuckle and feel rather proud of myself that I already had a background knowledge on whatever it was we were talking about- but I'm starting to sing a different tune. Truly, there are no coincidences in life. Let's be real here guys. How can there be when we know there's a higher power who watches out for us? It's sort of a tender mercy to realize that, isn't it?
The last week has been no exception to this 'coincidence' of timing. I went to a couple of Institute classes with my cousin, Maycee, and it was such a blessing! Between those classes, and the two Sunday's church meetings, I got a good dose of timing; patience; understanding agency; and taking care of yourself. Personally, I think Heavenly Father has a sense of humor for sure. Because it was almost satirical. In an endearing sort of way I guess. But truly, the way topics came up in lessons seemed to have a hint of humor in it- partially because I think He knows how stubborn and impossible I can be when I don't want to hear something... and yet here they all came. :) It was a good thing too, I learned a lot. Which is sort of the whole point of this 'life' business. Even if this learning meant I broke down and ate a ton of junk food to make me feel better. Don't worry, I counter-acted it with drinking 10 hundred gallons of water. (That has the potential of being a hyperbole... just as a disclaimer.)

On Wednesday(ish?) I went to lunch with Cherene my Aunt, and died over Pastry Pub sandwiches just before wandering North Elementary's playground and getting lots of cute 4th grader hugs from the once upon last year's 3rd graders that I tutored. SO cute! How can you not smile and be happy when you've got a ton of cute kids hugging you and making you feel like a rock star? :p Then I got to hear this year's 3rd graders sing their songs and do Reader's Theater as a rehearsal for their SEP's. Stinkin' adorable, if you ask me.

Also, Erin got asked to Prom! By a cute nice boy that I approve of. :) I hope you don't mind Er, I'm gonna put pictures up so you can steal them. I don't think they're on mom and dad's camera because they were on my card. Which is in my computer. I think.
Here's how he asked:
I just like that she looks cute and surprised. :) 
I think she liked it :) Can you blame her?

Funny story... so when David's mom came to drop off the stuff I didn't feel presentable to anyone outside the "you have to love me when I'm hideous" bonds of my family so I jumped up and was in the process of scurrying out of the Front Room when I discovered that spandex and slick-y material of sweat pants don't love each other. I was laughing so hard by the time I got half-way down the hallway because guess who's pants were around their ankles? Yup. Good thing Mrs. Cardon didn't see. That'd probably cause us to be liable to provide counseling for the rest of her life or something. Probably.
I'm going to the library for the rest of my life to study and attempt to miraculously finish everything I need to. If you want to wish me luck, that'd be alright. :)
Happy Monday people!


  1. Actually Thanks for posting the pictures. And thanks for not posting the one of my scowling at you because that has potential to give people the WRONG idea. Also I didn't know you had your pants on the ground when Elise came. That really improves the story.

  2. Whenever I eat too much junk I always try to erase it by drinking a ton of water. As if I can dilute the calories, or something? Don't ask me to explain that logic, I know it makes absolutely no sense. At least I know YOU understand me!

  3. Baha, I know right? I knew that my 'pants on the ground- lookin like a fool with my pants on the ground' episode would give some umph to the story. :p
    And Angie, there IS no logic! Such is life. :p
