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Monday, March 21, 2011

P.S :)

Tyler told me that according to his memory book he just read, it's more effective to study in sections, and in between subjects you should take a break.

... I'm just taking the advice of experts who wrote said book. :)

I just made a fantastical (short) power point on Celiac Disease.
Sounds like fun stuff. Except for not at all.
But that's besides the point.

I just feel the need to let you know the kitchen in my apartment is clean, and that the dishes have been done and that I nearly threw up multiple times cleaning out our fridge. Which is truly sad. Nevertheless, the work is done!
I cooked and diced some chicken that I was going to eat for dinner... the fridge cured me of hunger though so I skipped out on that. (The freezer is next on my list!)
Also, I attempted to vacuum. Neither of the two we have in our apartment worked. At all.
In fact they had more of a blowing affect. (I hear vacuums are sucky if they're good. Just sayin.)
That plan was temporarily canceled.
Then I came to my current location, wanna guess where?


Of course it's the library!

And would you like to guess what's happening to my sanity and brain for double or nothin'?

Yes, you're correct. They're being lost and melted. (In case you were really curious, listening to classical music makes me ready for bed. However, it's the only music that doesn't distract me which is the only necessary detail when it comes to study music picking. Plus, aren't there studies on it being super intellectual anyway? I need all the help I can get. I just need some more jazzy classical. Maybe I'll find a jazz channel on pandora next time. :p)
So. My five minute break is up... I'm gonna go study some more. (Except now I have the dilemma of deciding which to study: more Med Term? Pharmacy Tech? Maybe some gospel so when I do my devotional tomorrow I actually have something to say. :p See? It's quite a stressful decision. Good thing there are no morning classes on Tuesday.)
Goodnight to all you lucky ducks who get to go to bed before 12. :(
(Haha I love that the Library plays "Closing Time" five minutes before they kick you out. It's rather fun business.)

P.P.S... :D Next time I blog it will be from the 19 year old version of me. I will no longer have "the mind of an 18 year old". (That reference was for my father and other such familial members who understand the insideness of the joke. :p)

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